23 Jan 2019: D. C. Berry "Hamlet Off-Stage: Laetes Cool"

Laertes has groupies, proof he has taste,
has cool. Wears skate-board clothes: elephant pants,
the crotch snagging his knees, tent-size tee-shirt.
He wants the play staged at a roller rink:
him, Fortinbras, and me wearing in-lines,
the rest in quads. And instead of a duel,
we throw ourselves a roller-derby brawl.
Why not? Do something with a little class
to offset the end's cartoon slaughter house.

Here is a brief summary of Hamlet: Hamlet's dad, the king, is killed by his uncle Claudius, who marries Hamlet's mom. The uncle, King Claudius, tries to kill Hamlet. Hamlet kills Laertes father, and at the end of the play Laertes kills Hamlet, and Hamlet kills him and Claudius. Hamlet's mother drinks poison and dies. That's the slaughter house ending.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, why not??

    This is a fun literary criticism of Hamlet. Taking a shot at the "cartoon" ending.

    I'd be interested in a retelling from rollerblader perspectives of Laertes and Fortinbras.
