17 Jan 2019: "No Retrun" by William Matthews

I like divorce. I love to compose
letters of resignation; now and then
I send one in and leave in a lemon-
hued Huff or a Snit with four on the floor.
Do you like the scent of hollyhock?
To each his own. I love a burning bridge.

I like to watch the small boat go over
the falls -- it swirls in a circle
like a dog coiling for sleep, and its frail bow
pokes blindly out over the falls' lip
a little and a little more and then
too much, and then the boat's nose dives and butt

flips up so that the boat points doomily
down and the screams of the soon-to-be-dead
last longer by echo than the screamers do.
Let's go to the videotape, the news-
caster intones, and the control room does,
and the boat explodes again and again.


  1. There’s something about these descriptions that calls so familiar to the inside of my body. I know exactly what and how this feels to feel this way. To me, the feeling has come at such pertinent times in my life that in an instant when the visions keep coming, the energy keeps shifting, that the boat will go over the falls no matter what I can do to stop it. I know now, not to resist, but to enjoy...to notice the scenery and the moods and the feeling but to love them all the same. My life is headed in a different direction...

    1. This narrator loves destruction. Divorce, resignations, burning bridges (think literal amd figurative), and of courae the boat over the edge.

      Back to your Glass movie, this narrator could be a super vilian or evil genus from almost any action movie.
