27 Aug: "Nature is what we see" by Emily Dickinson

Nature, is what we see,
The Hill, the Afternoon-
Squirrel, Eclipse, the Bumble-bee,
Nay- Nature is Heaven.

Nature is what we hear,
The Bobolink, the Sea-
Thunder, the Cricket-
Nay,- Nature is Harmony.

Nature is what we know
But have no art to say,
So impotent our wisdom is
To Her simplicity.

-Emily Dickinson

1 comment:

  1. Comparisons of the microcosmic senses (see, hear, know)...to the macrocosmic view (Heaven, Nature, Harmony, Simplicity). The factual and concrete in combination and comparison with the esoteric- Dickinson always does this so well. You can always feel the spiritual aspects as well as the science and concrete battling and sharing a common ground within so many of her poems- one of the reasons she is my favorite poet of all times...I feel like my mind works and understands so much in this way, too. Always to end back with the answer of "simplicity" as she does as well in this poem.
