9 Sep: "Gee, You're So Beautiful That It's Starting to Rain" by Richard Brautigan

Oh, Marcia,
I want your long blonde beauty
to be taught in high school,
so kids will learn that God
lives like music in the skin
and sounds like a sunshine harpsichord.
I want high school report cards
     to look like this:

Playing with Gentle Glass Things

Computer Magic

Writing Letters to Those You Love

Finding out about Fish

Marcia’s Long Blonde Beauty


  1. Seems tacky, especially the fish line. Too fishy. Gentle glass things sound like dilidos; computer magic like cyber sex; and of course the fish. Am I dirty or is the poem?

    I guess it's kind of funny. But I'd prefer it be more satirical.

  2. I definitely the poem is naughty. A report card for sexual fantasy-...I really didn't enjoy this. It does make it seem tacky...and fantasy-ismal. And cliche.
    But....I suppose we can't judge fantasy, it really is what it is. (WHOLY MOLY- found the craziest erotic memoir called "I Surrender". Teaching me all kinds of things about not judging fantasy. Quite recommended if you are ever in the market for some erotic literature- way over and beyond Fifty Shades).
