18 Sep: "Eagle Plain"

"Eagle Plain"

The American eagle is not aware he is
the American eagle. He is never tempted
to look modest.

When orators advertise the American eagle's
virtues, the American eagle is not listening.
This is his virtue.

He is somewhere else, he is mountains away
but even if he were near he would never
make an audience.

The American eagle never says he will serve
if drafted, will dutifully serve etc. He is
not at our service.

If we have honored him we have honored one
who unequivocally honors himself by
overlooking us.

He does not know the meaning of magnificent.
Perhaps we do not altogether either
who cannot touch him.
—Robert Francis



  1. The American eagle is awesome, but not for the reasons we think it is.

    What does it mean to be patriotic? Who decides who is a good American?

    What is magnificent? Is it a human idea? Or is it more like love, something sensed?Can we not grasps ideas that humans invent?

    There are infinite magnificents or loves. Different for everyone and every occasion. Not quite the same idea from the poem, but it works from my experiences

  2. Strong symbols...
    Facts on Bald Eagles:
    -Ranges Alaska, Canada, USA, norther Mexico
    -Bird of prey
    -Females 25 percent larger than males
    -No longer endangered or threatened in the US
    -Mate for life (unless they cannot successfully breed)
    -20 years average life
    -"Eagles are considered spiritual messengers between gods and humans by some cultures"

    MORE ANIMAL vs HUMAN PRESENCE!!! The Eagle just IS. No game play. Perfectly everything.

    The limitations of words and ideas in nature.
