13 Aug 2020: "Hesitations Outside the Door" by Margaret Atwood


I'm telling the wrong lies,
they are not even useful.

The right lies would at least
be keys, they would open the door.

The door is closed; the chairs,
the tables, the steel bowl, myself

shaping bread in the kitchen, wait
outside it.

By Margaret Atwood

1 comment:

  1. This was one of my favorites so far reading through Margaret Atwood. I just reread the Handmaid's Tale on Audible and am always so fascinated at this concept within her writing. To tell the "right lies"....I think it's something I think about every single day in regards to the way I talk to myself and my clients and my friends and family. This poem also reminds me so much of a scene that I could picture in the Handmaids Tale- just waiting right outside the closed door...waiting for courage to step through the barrier and take some action, even if only in the form of these same right lies. It symbolizes a form of survival in this crazy society we live in, even now.
