13 Nov 2020: "The Thunder, Perfect Mind" by The Nag Hammadi

I came across this epigraph from Toni Morrison's Jazz. Here is her epigraph and below is a translated version of the "The Thunder, Perfect Mind" by The Nag Hammadi.

Epigraph from Jazz

I am the name of the sound
  and the sound of the name.
I am the sign of the letter
  and the sound designation of the division 


Click here for the full text translated by George W. MacRae


  1. I am sitting here marveling at the use of opposites in this short section as well as the full text. Thank you so much for posting this. I think that Morrison has already done a great job in Jazz to show these types of conflicts within her characters- the ones that we canʻt always put our fingers on but seem opposite of each other. But, as we know, we cannot have one without the other. It is the cold that creates meaning for the hot, vice versa.

  2. Even after reading the book, it feels more like an oxymoron than anything else.
