
24 Mar: "Somewhere or Other" by Christina Rossetti

Somewhere or Other

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Somewhere or other there must surely be 
The face not seen, the voice not heard, 
The heart that not yet—never yet—ah me! 
Made answer to my word. 

Somewhere or other, may be near or far; 
Past land and sea, clean out of sight; 
Beyond the wandering moon, beyond the star 
That tracks her night by night. 

Somewhere or other, may be far or near; 
With just a wall, a hedge, between; 
With just the last leaves of the dying year 
Fallen on a turf grown green. 


  1. The progression in this poem makes it so much more fun. Somewhere out there, maybe far, maybe near...

  2. The "somewhere or other" sounds funny. I like the idea that somewhere would cover any/everywhere, but then there is still other places.

  3. It raises the idea of the looking outward to find...something. That just beyond there....somewhere or what we will need, or what we have always been looking for. I have a current friend in this state of mind. And I have been getting so upset at her. I scream to myself (pretending to talk to her)- look within!!!! That is the absolutely only thing you have control over. DO not be chasing "somewhere"....or else you will just keep on going....."somewhere"....there is no end to these thoughts, no learning about who you are, no enlightenment happening. A man will not make you happy. You can only be in love if you are happy yourself. A companion just enhances that happiness itself...I do not truly believe that someone else can teach us how to love ourselves. They can show us how they love themselves....and show us how they love us...but the action is all up to us.

  4. The final image shows you this endless cycle of seasons that acts as an allegory for the search for her lover; its tantalizingly close but yet so far.

    1. Is the past tense "made" in the first stanza an indicator of finding that lover?
