
23 Mar: "I'll Open the Window" by Anna Sir

I’ll Open the Window

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Our embrace lasted too long. 
We loved right down to the bone.  
I hear the bones grind, I see  
our two skeletons. 

Now I am waiting 
till you leave, till 
the clatter of your shoes 
is heard no more. Now, silence. 

Tonight I am going to sleep alone  
on the bedclothes of purity. 
is the first hygienic measure.  
will enlarge the walls of the room,  
I will open the window 
and the large, frosty air will enter,  
healthy as tragedy. 
Human thoughts will enter 
and human concerns, 
misfortune of others, saintliness of others.  
They will converse softly and sternly. 

Do not come anymore.  
I am an animal  
very rarely. 


  1. I see a narrator blaming his problems​ on the ex.

    This bothers me about infidelity. Not to justify cheating, but the cheater has needs that are not being met too. From my friends and family, I can see a lack of consideration for the needs of both people.

    I'm feeling a bit defensive because I feel like I am blaming the victim. In this instance I think there is a distinction between abuse and violence. Cheating is a psychological crime. I'm also assuming there was some type of cheating against this narrator.

  2. I pictured a lover in general being released....a lover that for whatever reason had crossed a boundary that was no longer being accepted (was the man loving on this woman as cheating on his own wife? not sure...or did he cheat on this woman in the poem...not sure).

    I love the opening of the window- one of the best metaphors for a breath of fresh air (as icy as it is here)...a new beginning, a fresh hope, a new perspective. Sometimes that is all it takes to snap us back to where we need to be. Probably not in bed with whatever scandal or heartbreak this poem implies.
