
25 Mar: "A Peaceful Contradiction" by Iain Britton

A Peaceful Contradiction

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from           the 4        corners       of this tower      lumped on a map

the     best     magician   wins   the        day  /        thinks

he’s invisible     /          white rabbits           hide       in        cupboards

in          boxes        in      hats  /      a peaceful contradiction       exists  /

a   plan    for    a    park    a plantation for immaculate thoughts

 for    flower beds     which    eat    fragrances         all  year round  /

from    this  monolithic  inheritance       avenues           spoke outwards

to         capture             returning prodigals  /    ancestral

dropouts  /              the            multiple   births               of          children

the             sun’s               last    sentence       of            the             day


  1. I pictured an almost princess in a tower idea. A look from above at all of the options available...the dreams and imagination that continues to flower. One day the magician wins, one day another is within the peaceful contradiction of our dreams, our reality, and our destiny that life occurs. All wrapping themselves around us like a vine...who will win today?

  2. I like your response.

    I'd like to hear the poet read it because I'm not sure how it should go. I played with it a little but couldn't find anything that worked for me.
