
4 Sep: "William Shakespeare’s Star Wars Verily, a New Hope Epilogue" by Ian Doescher

William Shakespeare’s Star Wars Verily, a New Hope Epilogue

Now dawns a new day with the sun of Peace,
The day whereon the rebels welcome Fate.
For from their enemies they find release
And now with mirth they come to celebrate.
Young Luke, strong in the Force, doth walk beside
The noble Han, whose valor won the day.
The rebels form an aisle and rise with pride,
As Luke and Han march forth in grand display.
Now Leia smiles and gives them their reward,
As each bows low with hope and joy sincere.
C-3PO and R2, now restor’d,
Look on as brave Chewbacca sounds the cheer.
There let our heroes rest free from attack,
Till darkness rise and Empire striketh back.

1 comment:

  1. Star Wars is such discriminate bastards! Why doesn't Chewy get any respect? He didn't get a medal, Leia must really hate him. She even disses him at the end of The Force Awakens to hug Rey. Poor Chewy
