
3 Sep: "William Shakespeare's Star Wars Verily, a New Hope Prologue" by Ian Doescher

It is a period of civil war.
The spaceships of the rebels, striking swift
From base unseen, have gain’d a vict’ry o’er
The cruel Galactic Empire, now adrift.
Amidst the battle, Rebel spies prevail’d
And stole the plans to a space station vast,
Whose pow’rful beams will later be unveil’d
And crush a planet: ‘tis the DEATH STAR blast.
Pursu’d by agents sinister and cold,
Now Princess Leia to her home doth flee,
Deliv’ring plans and a new hope they hold:
Of bringing freedom to the galaxy.
In time so long ago begins our play,
In star-crossed galaxy far, far away.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading Shakespeare Star Wars right now. It's such a cool idea. Why couldn't I think of that? Besides that I don't love reading Shakespeare, nor can I write in iambs. Part of me wants to read a bunch of Shakespeare and try to rewrite my own Shakespeare story, that's a lot to ask of course. Too bad I didn't edited the Shakespeare Star Wars because there are so many parts that either drag on or could be better.

    The couplet ending is pretty sweet!
