
18 Jul: "She Didn't Mean to Do It" by Daisy Fried

She Didn't Mean to Do It

Oh, she was sad, oh, she was sad.
She didn't mean to do it.

Certain thrills stay tucked in your limbs,
go no further than your fingers, move your legs through their paces,
but no more. Certain thrills knock you flat
on your sheets on your bed in your room and you fade
and they fade. You falter and they're gone, gone, gone.
Certain thrills puff off you like smoke rings,
some like bell rings growing out, out, turning
brass, steel, gold, till the whole world's filled
with the gonging of your thrills.

But oh, she was sad, she was just sad, sad,
and she didn't mean to do it.
—Daisy Fried

1 comment:

  1. Certain trills are very negative for this girl/woman. Like it's all good until something really bad happens, then it tucks you, knocks you, and puffs you off. The descriptions depict the strong effects of regret and depression. It leave people empty, "no more," or "gone"

    The best part of the poem is trying to piece together what the main character did. SOmething so bad the whole world feels it. Did Eve have regret or remorse? I could see her original sin having these effects on the "whole world."

    Or I could see a young teenager who made a mistakes that costs other's their lives.
