
2 Mar: "Listen" by Miller Williams


I threw a snowball across the backyard. 
My dog ran after it to bring it back. 
It broke as it fell, scattering snow over snow. 
She stood confused, seeing and smelling nothing. 
She searched in widening circles until I called her. 

She looked at me and said as clearly in silence
as if she had spoken, 
I know it's here, I'll find it, 
went back to the center and started the circles again. 

I called her two more times before she came
slowly, stopping once to look back. 

That was this morning. I'm sure that she's forgotten. 
I've had some trouble putting it out of my mind.


  1. The narrator was messing with the dog. Does he or she feel bad now?

    I see the narrator repeating get the ball. It's not like the narrator couldn't throw another snowball or get a real ball. The narrator choose to play that find the ball game.

    What if dogs didn't forget? Maybe their self esteem lowers or the grit rises after such experiences.

  2. So playful they are, dogs are so persistent in play, in presence. While our minds carry on and on and regret. I wonder if the next snowball the dog would remember this "game".

    I don't really understand the title.

    Yes, it makes you wonder if the trick was being played on purpose or if the human watched in fascination as if they were just having this realization of the poem at the same time it was happening.
