
1 Mar: "Lines" by Martha Collis


Draw a line. Write a line. There.
Stay in line, hold the line, a glance
between the lines is fine but don't
turn corners, cross, cut in, go over
or out, between two points of no
return's a line of flight, between
two points of view's a line of vision.
But a line of thought is rarely
straight, an open line's no party
line, however fine your point.
A line of fire communicates, but drop
your weapons and drop your line,
consider the shortest distance from x
to y, let x be me, let y be you. 


  1. It seems a bit much and cheesy . Ill read it again after your comments.

  2. The dualistic meaning- yes, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, everything is telling us that, but "a line of thought is rarely a straight line". Maybe crooked is the new straight that she speaks of- "drop your weapons and drop your line, consider the shortest distance from x to y...
