
12 Mar: "Girl-Watching" by Dan Brown


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In the years I’ve been at this
(Lots, not to be precise)
You’d think that once or twice
At least I would have seen
Some anomalies. I mean
Some major ones. As in
Not feet but little wheels,
Or crests like cockatiels’.
Where are they keeping the girls
With a chrome exterior,
Or an extra derriere?
Apparently nowhere.
Assuming my sample’s valid,
The pool is limited 
To the standard types I’ve tallied;
Such variance as there is
In the usual congeries
Of   physiognomies —
And yet enough of   it 
To be worth the looking at. 
The walking by, for that,
Of   the same girl over and over
Would be no cross to bear
If   it were that one there.


  1. Love at first sight.

    The descriptions are a bit funky. Cars, birds, and Gnomons

  2. This poem really makes me laugh as one of my new friends in Honolulu has entered the dating scene and this is so similar to what she would be easier if everything was laid out like physical landmarks on the people who do have "chrome exteriors" or crests like all he seems to get (and my friend as well) are normal, boring people. But....if that girl over there were the girl....there would be "no cross to bear" would just happen naturally. Ha, I would like to seem him finish this poem after he falls in love!
