
17 Jan: "Dear Future Self," by Jimmy Nameles

"Dear Future Self,"

Sorry I couldn't do better.
I mean, don't get me wrong,
I could have done better,
but I'm not.

You'll understand, I'm sure,
But, unfortunately, you won't
Have the same options as I.
You'll have to do it.

Besides, one of us has to do it,
And why not you? We work
Better under pressure, and
You'll have plenty of pressure.

Don't worry though. I'll make sure
You're well rested and fed. I'll have
Everything on the desk waiting
When you wake up.

One last thing, don't be too upset
If we don't finish that book, the dishes,
Or any chores really.
Yours truly,



  1. Story of my life in a poem :D

  2. I heard this talk on the radio or YouTube that was saying procrastinators have a bigger disconnect between themselves now and their future selves. I found this narrator being very connected to his/her future self and still not caring/doing anything productive to be fitting.

    1. I always think about my how my future self will suffer when I procrastinate--but still procrastinate. :P

      Here's a Ted talk by Tim Urban that seems relevant:
