
21 Nov: "Nature is What You Don't See" by John Tiong Chunghoo

Nature Is What You Dont See

nature is what we dont see
for instance the essence that pushes words out
for this poem fated for posterity
the birds that without fail
chirp at first light, morn breeze
the unseen clock working at the dot
nature is what we dont see
the nocturnal bloom, that folds itself
in the day, throws its fragrance
in the dead of night as lovers
hide in each others' bossoms
below the soft glare of the moon
centimetre by centimetre
it has inched forward to exhibit its 
full blown majestry to the world
Nature is what we dont see
the shadow play master tilting the earth
the petals for its bloom dance
the successive cells here there
guided towards optimal functions
and that ogiasmic tremour
that shuttles the world round and round
nature is what you should not see
the formulas, secrets kept behind everything
that could get even einstein mad
in unveiling, explaining them
nature is what we all should not see
nor equipped to see
though it rambles through our every cell
like the worst of storm 


  1. Nature is the tree falling in the forest- idea. I have absolutely fallen in love with these thoughts numerous times over again. Especially living here in Hawaii, the ocean, the tides, mountains, and doing nighttime yoga. It is easy to realize where we live in the day, but when we are asleep everything continues to turn. The tide reveals the reef and it is beautiful for morning walks in the summer and evening walks in the winter. Where does it all come from? How does it continue to move as "Nature"? I used to play with the idea that "Nature" is "God". Nature= God.

  2. I disagree with the "nature is what we all should not see." I think knowledge and science make the world better although there is a cost to nature. But I would argue those things most affecting nature are not directly because of scientific discoveries. Maybe we need to see more of nature. As you mention falling in love with these thoughts is from you witnessing nature, not nature being hidden.

    I could see a god as nature or nature as a god. I have always said replace God with the universe and it is equally sensical or nonsensical. The universe created light, made man from its rib, etc.
