
20 Nov: "A Few Rules for Beginners" by Katherine Mansfield

A Few Rules for Beginners

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Babies must not eat the coal 
And they must not make grimaces, 
Nor in party dresses roll 
And must never black their faces. 

They must learn that pointing’s rude, 
They must sit quite still at table, 
And must always eat the food 
Put before them—if they’re able. 

If they fall, they must not cry, 
Though it’s known how painful this is; 
No—there’s always Mother by 
Who will comfort them with kisses.


  1. Must not, must not, must not, but then Mother is the answer. So funny how parents like to be in control only to let down their guards when they are really needed. I think this is where I would utterly fail as a parent. I have no idea how to love and discipline at the same time. It all mashes up into one great big pot that just bubbles and boils over. Too much thought. You teachers amaze me. Trying to make adults discipline themselves is hard enough lol...

  2. This is where society sucks. It imposes its arbitrary rules on us. This is my life as a teacher. Don't, don't, don't. I hate it. Young people shouldn't be forced to sit quietly for 6 hours a day. Which this poems brings up the ridiculousness of this expectations when they are demanded of babies. But I cannot do what the district pays me to do if students are not "well behaved."

    We need more motherly compassion in schools
