
29 Nov: "Reflection" by Jimmy Nameles

Beautiful, smart, dark…

It didn't take long to acquirer your bittersweetness.
You stimulated me, and left me sleepless.
Is there a God? Is there a purpose?

Among friends, I played it cool- pretended,
While you played the witness.
You didn’t care about her;
That I always thought of her;
Didn't care I’d’ve left you for her;
If she'd've taken me back.

You knew she wouldn't.

Before after her, I never noticed.
You were always there, always down.
Now I know this.

After a few, I thought there'd be no end.
What we did,
we did as one,
I won.

Reflection, my dear,
By any other name,
You’d be the same:

Beautiful, smart, dark...


  1. It's a work in progress. Or just a little something for fun.

    I wanted it to read like a partner, but literally be the relationship with being self reflective and reflective in thought as a mind set.

    Reflection probably contributed a lot to me having a semi depression phase post heart break. Of course it is so stupid in hind sight but that insomnia and reflection ended up leading me to a lot of growth. Maybe after this littl reflection I can see where my next revision should go.

  2. The wish and wash of this writing is marvelous. It takes you and then leaves you and wonders what role each of the women played. Does love have to always impact at the greatest depth or can it leave us wishy and washy, taking some pieces from each relationship and carrying it on to the next? This poem instantly makes you think of your own relationships. Did you love them both, was one better for you than the other logically, emotionally? One seems better than the other. Your reference to "beautiful, smart, dark..."(don't take this the wrong way lol) reminds me of a reference to the serpent "the serpent, or the devil, in some ways is the most beautiful thing you will ever think you see..." and of course smart...and has the reference to darkness. You can instantly see her seduction in these words...
    I really love this style of poetry...reflection.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. I just noticed a copy right function on the site, which reminded me that I wrote a poem or two on here. I just reread this one, and I really like it! Haha
