29 July 2019: "A Space of Light" by Allie Jo Dreadfulwater

buds and
blooms shafts
of human experience;
tendon-like ropes, 
context- a space
we can see,
the space you see
in me. A darkness
left to ooze; blistering
shards of light-
crystalline hope;
the fire of the
Soul to unite 
Heaven and Earth. 

Allie Jo Dreadfulwater
January 5, 2019

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Thanks for writing and sharing. I should write something soon.

    The first sentence i cannot make sense of. Otherwise the rest of the poem reads well. I love space and light. And you're combination of physics and spirituality is fun. The images are strong. And the poem has a nice conclusion. It gives us readers positive vibes for yhr future.
