20 Feb: "Life in a Day" by Jimmy Nameles

There is never enough time in a day...
A week...
A year...
A life...

We wish days will pass
And squint towards days to come,
But the day we have here,
Is as perfect as any

Mini micro existential crisis
Make my pen indecisive.

Slow down.
Appreciate today.
How shall I remember tomorrow?


  1. This reminds me so much of William Blake's "To see the World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour...". Within the thought of this poem you become the witness who is witnessing- an ultimate first choice to self reflection, thought and philosophy. I love how the first line starts with a statement and the last line ending with a question- the beauty and evolution of our lives, of learning and understanding that the more we know, the more we do question...the first two stanzas speaking outward in statements and observations of self and human tendencies- the last two turning to inner dialogue...and direction.

    I stop reading at "indecisive" for some reason. I don't understand the stopping- my brain wants to keep going, or change the word to decisive- I am unclear...a possible clearing of the brain...indecisive to stay in the moment without words or thoughts, to stay present?

    The two lines before the last turn into a sort of mantra. "slow down. "appreciate today". and then the question to follow...as our whole life does.

  2. Got some wild thoughts going on at the moment- creating a thought wall.

    On fractals- the repeating geometrical patterns of self-similarity...an ocean is a fractal as is each and every "drop" of water in the ocean. In meditation, it is said that we realize WE are the ultimate fractals. We are both the drop and the ocean in the larger body of consciousness. We are TODAY!
