
9 Jul: "Mount Shasta" by Joaquin Miller

To lord all Godland! lift the brow
Familiar to the moon, to top
The universal world, to prop
The hollow heavens up, to vow
Stern constancy with stars, to keep
Eternal watch while eons sleep;
To tower proudly up and touch
God's purple garment-hems that sweep
The cold blue north! Oh, this were much!

Where storm-born shadows hide and hunt
I knew thee, in thy glorious youth,
And loved thy vast face, white as truth;
I stood where thunderbolts were wont
To smite thy Titan-fashioned front,
And heard dark mountains rock and roll;
I saw the lightning's gleaming rod
Reach forth and write on heaven's scroll
The awful autograph of God!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in Mount Shasta. Tonight my cousin and I will attempt to climb Mount Shasta. The mountain is... I can't find the right word. Awesome is too played out and cliche of an expression from me. Heavenly is appropriate, there is a feeling from looking at and being at the mountain. The way it stands tall and dominates the entire Shasta area

    It's interesting how the signature is awful. There most have been a killer avalanche that followed the lightening.
