
30 Jul: "I FInally Managed to Speak to Her" by Hal Sirowitz

She was sitting across from me
on the bus. I said, "The trees
look so much greener in this part
of the country. In New York City
everything looks so drab." She said,
"It looks the same to me. Show me
a tree that's different." "That one,"
I said. "Which one?" she said.
"It's too late," I said; "we already
passed it." "When you find another one,"
she said, "let me know." And then
she went back to reading her book.

1 comment:

  1. These are the types of poems I could write. Arguably a poem.

    The narrator finally mustards up the courage to talk to her and she shuts him down to read her book. I wonder what she is reading?

    It's kind of funny. I've witnessed so many guys trying to pick up people on the bus over my public transit days. Women show different avoidance strategies. I like this woman's responses! She is nice enough about it, but clearly wants to be left alone.
