
29 May: "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" by Sharena Lee Satti

Tears burned my face as they dropped from my eyes
I’ve had enough of such sorrow, deception and lies
It’s cut through my heart and pierced it, more times than I dare to think
I’m letting go I’m falling deep this ship is doomed to sink
I have nothing, I am nothing shall I give you my blood too
For you to sip slowly some kind of strange voodoo
I wish I could go back and change some things in my life
I could have prevented such suffering and strife
I feel stuck at a crossroad but both paths are scribbled out
Tearing my hair out, falling to the floor screaming from the depth of my dear heart filled with doubt
With my head held in my hands, I can’t even try to pretend to illuminate my thoughts anymore
I can’t be the person that everyone uses to clean their dirty floor
Where is my worth, I’m full of soul and pure heart not like your heart full of paper?
Whose words and thoughts vanish into space like vapour?
I leave a trail of loving, sweet, scented petals, filled with life and hope where ever I walk
I encourage others to love deeply and speak only of Good positive things when they talk
Why can others not want the same for me?
Only happy when I’m heavily chained and no way of breaking free
I can’t tiptoe around anymore on broken glass pieces
Just remember your words are like paper once crumpled you can’t take out the creases
Once you speak, your words are here to stay
No matter how many days go by it will always stay that way

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