
27 Apr: "Aaron Is Dead" by Tim Berners-Lee

Aaron is dead.

Wanderers in this crazy world,
we have lost a mentor, a wise elder.

Hackers for right, we are one down,
we have lost one of our own.

Nurtures, careers, listeners, feeders,
parents all,
we have lost a child.

Let us all weep.
-Tim Berners-Lee


  1. It seems so fitting that this comes after Langston Hughes's poems. Aaron Schwartz died because the world tried to clip his wings and suffocate his genius.

  2. The narrator calls Swarts both an elder and a child.

    Is there any conspiracy he was killed?

    1. He committed suicide. He was young, but was beyond his years in wisdom.

    2. So no conspiracies? Haha. I should make one up. Aaron Hernandez gets conspiracy theories.

      I knew he was younger. I was commenting on the childlikeness of the old wise woman. The combination or compassion and innocence that comes with young and old age. Maybe before and after hormones make us greedy selfish narcissists.
