
9 Mar: "I Know Not Why" by Morris Rosenfield

I Know Not Why

I lift mine eyes against the sky,
The clouds are weeping, so am I;
I lift mine eyes again on high,
The sun is smiling, so am I.
Why do I smile? Why do I weep?
I do not know; it lies too deep.

I hear the winds of autumn sigh,
They break my heart, they make me cry;
I hear the birds of lovely spring,
My hopes revive, I help them sing.
Why do I sing? Why do I cry?
It lies so deep, I know not why. 


  1. This poem really reminds me of the science of Ayurveda that I have been learning about in yoga teacher training. The outer environment is a reflection of our inner environment- so it is in the macrocosm, so it is in the microcosm- the idea of rain and water of all sorts and tears, the idea of sun as fire inside us, brightness, light, wind as being flighty or creative, bouncing from one thing to the next. How the environment around us in nature shapes how we view the world.

  2. To answer the narrator's question: evolution! Although that may not be the most satisfying response.

    The structure and rhyme make it a fun poem to read. Circular reasoning idk-too deep-so deep- idk- and so it keeps going
