
2 Feb: "Walk Don't Run" by Rob Bell

WALK DON’T RUNphoto_2016-10-20_08-44-00
By Rob Bell
Walk, don’t run.
That’s it.
Walk, don’t run.
Slow down, breathe deeply,
and open your eyes because there’s
a whole world right here within this one. The bush doesn’t suddenly catch on fire, it’s been burning the whole time.
Moses is simply moving
slowly enough to see it. And when he does,
he takes off his sandals.
Not because
the ground has suddenly become holy,
but because he’s just now becoming aware that
the ground has been holy the whole time.
Efficiency is not God’s highest goal for your life,
neither is busyness,
or how many things you can get done in one day,
or speed, or even success.
But walking,
which leads to seeing,
now that’s something.
That’s the invitation for every one of us today,
and everyday, in every conversation, interaction,
event, and moment: to walk, not run. And in doing so,
to see a whole world right here within this one.


  1. The reason we were taught to lie first and then crawl before coming up on only two points of contact with the earth- so that we very much could feel the Earth beneath us with our entirety. To feel one with Mother Nature. To a lying position we return when we die...

    Yoga has been helping me live life slower.

  2. As an ex-runner, i want to argue with this, but I agree. People should slow down. I should slow down. I hate the way we live on clocks. Time becomes so much more valuable the less we have. I find myself worse than Moses because I already know I should be doing things differently, but I don't or think I cannot

  3. I find that idea of "knowing, but not yet doing" so fascinating. Not everyone was given this shield of truth. Those that are given the greater perspective will, I believe, in due time grow into that awareness (if they try!!). BUT, where on earth do we start....

  4. I found this poem while looking for one on mindfulness. It summarized for me the stressful lives that have become our normal. Simplicity seems easy but it's hard and not as comfortable as we think the silence. It takes intention. Lots to work on...

    1. If you see this try this poem too, it has a similar message as this poem.
