
14 Feb: "If pieces I lack..." by Typer Knott Gregson


  1. I have kept wondering where love fits in to the story of yoga...all of the emphasis has been placed on the Self and self discovery is the key to so many ways of yoga.

    After reading this poem this morning I also found a short passage in the Rumi book I am reading:

    "When one is united to the core of another,
    to speak of that is to breathe the name Hu,
    empty of self and filled with love." -Rumi

    Rumi describes love as the lightest level of we overcome the "fluctuations of the mind", we are then filled with this all powerful substance...this love...this consciousness that is taught to us in and throughout our human relationships- friends, family, lovers. Love is the changeless way of life we all seek- it is the most beautiful part of life.

    In this poem the author is flipping this idea. He thinks that someone else can fulfill for us, first, what we cannot seem to find in ourselves. I like Rumi's idea better- love is the end and is sewn as teaching theroughout our lives. Only when we have searched in ourselves for ourselves can we really have "space" to let the idea of love come in. Otherwise, who knows what love is at that point.

    Happy Valentine's Day my friend!

  2. The narrator has the mindfulness to know he or she is incomplete.

    Finish me is an interesting phrase. It sounds like a dirty pick up line.

  3. In response to your "finish me" thought- you have a way of always bringing about things that I overlook 😂. This, perhaps, is a play on the love this poem first sets out. Looking for sex as completion....
