
22 Jan: "Thank You" by Ross Gay

Thank You

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If you find yourself half naked
and barefoot in the frosty grass, hearing,
again, the earth's great, sonorous moan that says
you are the air of the now and gone, that says
all you love will turn to dust,
and will meet you there, do not
raise your first. Do not raise
your small voice against it. And do not
take cover. Instead, curl your toes
into the grass, watch the cloud
ascending from your lips. Walk
through the garden's dormant splendor.
Say only, thank you.
Thank you.


  1. Ross Gay speaks to me! That's the relationship I want with nature and life. I want to be in the splendors of nture and just be grateful to be apart of that: of life and the incredible connections we share.

    The grounding into the earth with the toes- an ultimate expression of the circle that we go through, from dust to dust....we are Mother Nature in its own expression....and yet somehow, as a human being, we pull further and further away as the years go buy. The Earth will eventually take us back and reunite us with its ultimate beauty once again.

    Aren't the glimpses that this poem describe the most addicting feeling in the world- to feel connectedness to life itself.
