
20 Jan: "Two of a Kind" by Nikki Grimes


  1. Such a sweet poem, but something about the end feels sad. Or, maybe distance is just part of growing up and nothing to be sad about.

  2. I agree how the relationship and bound is stronger than distance. How old is the narrator?

    The narrator uses we most of the poem, but "he" moved. That makes is sound like a divorce to me, and still the laughter is there although having further to travel.


  3. Ideas of being tied so great to the parent that you are most like- there is much happiness, like attracts likes, but also more extreme loss. The more you are able to love the more you are able to feel pain- the groove deepens the next.

    I love title of the book "Words with Wings"- is seems appropriate for this individual poem as well- words traveling where we ourselves cannot go.
