
14 Jan: "Toy Boat" by Ocean Vuong

yellow plastic
black sea

eye-shaped shard
on a darkened map

no shores now
to arrive — or
no wind but
this waiting which
moves you

as if  the seconds
could be entered
& never left

toy boat — oarless
each wave
a green lamp

toy boat
toy leaf  dropped
from a toy tree

as if the sp-
thinning above you
are not
already pierced
by their own names


  1. Waiting is a repeated concept.

    Toy boat, toy leaf, and toy tree are all waiting for a time to be played with again when there is a shore to arrive.

    This poem seems dangerous, like refugees on a prirate ship hoping for a safe passage.

  2. I love the pacing of this poem- it makes it hard to read, you have to read slower, and in the meantime slow your thoughts as well. I loved the lines "no wind but the waiting that moves you" times of stall within our lives it does feel like the wind has betrayed us, but then the fire gurgles again within and we catch the drift...moving forward, onward, the wind that was already within us to begin. We personify it with action words because that is what it feels like.
