
4 Dec: "A Long Time More" by Dara Wier

"A Long Time More" by Dara Wier

I will say to you let’s go
when we are dead together

let’s not be dead any longer,
not there with all the already gone,

not where nothing we want we’ll know,
no more I have to have this now,

no more not one time more not ever.
Back where we’ve come from,

back there we’ll go.
We will be thirsty again together

and find food and clothes and comfort,
and this time take time

this time neither too fast
this time ever more slow.


  1. Great perspective.

    No more excuses. A second chance at what's most important. Take time. We live too fast and put things off because of- insert excuse. We need to stop being dead and start living.

    I can really relate to this poem. Right now, we all have the chance at a long time more, but life and work distract us. Too often do I wish I could slow down. Instead I put off the things I'd like to have more time to do for later or maybe during the next break.

    I just read a Che Guevara biography. I want to be a revolutionary.

  2. Allie Jo DreadfulwaterJanuary 13, 2017 at 8:35 PM

    As I read this poem I kept thinking about the idea of "karma"...what if the energy that composed our body's first creation really could, in a sense, talk, or feel or want...maybe it really does. But, what if that energy wasn't the energy of a human being..what if it was an animal or tree, or something that wasn't even alive....

    She speaks of a person, a loved one or child or someone special that maybe she has regrets with. She wants a do-over, or a perspective over. Not too fast and ever more slow- beautiful.

    I relate to you in that I find time such a funny thing. Too often my anxiety stems from loving so many wonderful things in this life and having to choose what feels most important on that day...too much you choose poetry or workout or yoga or reading novels or shopping for healthy food or cleaning the house, going for a swim in the ocean, work, making love, making bracelets, etc. There are SOOOO many wonderful things to do in this life. How are we supposed to prioritize the BEST ones?

    You would make a great revolutionary. I think you already do!

  3. I have a lot of comments in response to your comments. This really is an excellent poem!

    I have such bad karma right now. Teaching is turning me into such a dissatisfied person. I like the eastern karma a lot better than the western karma I grew up with in America. There are many unknowns about life and I think the micro-connections and influences on our bodies and brains have a great impact on our mental and physical wellbeing (hopefully that isn't too circular). I just heard about how trees connect with each other in the forest and nature. Even trees of other species help each other by sharing nutrients and warning of dangers. The system is due to large interconnected systems of fungi that can transmit signals from tree to tree, very cool and interesting finding.

    Prioritizing all the wonders in life... this is a serious drawback in our current society. As we progress, we scarifice one thing for another. Safety and security, conviences, luxury, and technology all have a price. Even knowledge, maybe ignorance is bliss. That wouldn't be my choice; but if I had to choose for others, I'd probably give them bliss. Africa made me think of a would you rather or what would you pick: a country where people are less free but more happy, or a country where people have more freedom but are less happy. I found Mozambicians to have far less freedoms, but compared to Americans were far more happy. They were more childlike to steal an idea from Siddhartha by Hesse.

    Purpose is extremely important.
