
5 Nov: "Transcendence" by Sharon Gannon


Transcendence is an apocalyptic event
It takes the past as it leaves the present
Change is always the same
If you care to look deeper into it
It is form passing into form
It is orgasmic
It is the expansion of truth and reality
Through the phases of duality
Like the moon it moves from necessity
Guaranteed full promised monthly
This is bold like love is bold
Naked revealed
It has no body and nobody can have it
Love that is… has no body
and no body has love
Love is the body
Blood, the intoxication the invitation
To this apocalypse
This standing naked
Psyche stripped is the flesh
The matter is the mind
Thought is form
Words come next
-written by Sharon GannonIn 1984 Sharon Gannon and David Life created the Jivamukti Yoga Method, which is a path to enlightenment through compassion for all beings. Yoga Journal has recognized Sharon Gannon and David Life as innovators in Yoga, and the NY Times says, “Without Jivamukti, yoga in the US would still be the obscure practice of a few devotees.”


  1. I really locked onto the word "change" here. We tend to think of change and transcendence as an order, a passing into higher or different or a more enlightened state, but what if change is just the circling of energy already inside of us. What if change isn't linear...and transcendence not higher. "change is always the same"

    "Love is the body"..."the invitation to this apocalypse". We find change through love...inside the psyche and flesh, in the blood life.

  2. This sounds like the Tao de Ching. Lots of paradoxes.

    Transcendence is apocalyptic, or can be. Is that why people fear change? They don't want to feel like their world is over.

    What would you consider a synonym for "form" in this poem?

    Last idea, "Words come next." I heard a talk over the weekend about a theory that words come before thinking as we know it. I didn't hear the whole talk because I was in the car. I heard this theory before, but I guess it is making a comeback because of new research? Maybe words come first?

    I'm off my game tonight. Being a teacher kicked my butt today.

  3. Even fearing good change...very cool. Yes, indeed, we think of transcendence as higher, but it is still change, different. I love change!!!!!

    I used to read all poems with equal signs we used to do in math. If "thought is form", then "thought= form". Synonym to thought literally is form? This is a really terrible but entertaining habit to get into, especially in philosophy. "Thought=god", "thought=life", therefore, "god and life= form".

    Yes, I suppose in a lot of those business books they say "change your thoughts, then change your mind!!". I always thought this was ridiculous and corny in the business sense but in the personal sense it doesn't seem as black and white. I think sometimes we are able to better form the "words" we think, when we speak them. There may be words up there, but they are a darn puzzle. Scattered everywhere and incoherent. So I don't always think that if I think about being "hungry" and then think about "hungry" "maybe my dog is hungry too" "maybe I could eat my dog" lol.....this is another hilarious concept that I may wait to think on due to needing to wake up that area of my brain. Hmm..."words come first"...but then what the heck comes next? Makes you wonder what a thought is really composed of. Feeling or words?
