
24 Nov: "Thanksgiving Magic" by Rowena Bastin Bennett

Thanksgiving Magic

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Thanksgiving Day I like to see 
Our cook perform her witchery. 
She turns a pumpkin into pie 
As easily as you or I 
Can wave a hand or wink an eye. 
She takes leftover bread and muffin 
And changes them to turkey stuffin’. 
She changes cranberries to sauce 
And meats to stews and stews to broths; 
And when she mixes gingerbread 
It turns into a man instead 
With frosting collar ’round his throat 
And raisin buttons down his coat. 
Oh, some like magic made by wands, 
   And some read magic out of books, 
And some like fairy spells and charms 
   But I like magic made by cooks!


  1. As a vegan, I am really cracking up about the park where she does use the term "cow" turned into a pulverized stews, or broth like she does the real pumpkin and cranberries. I suppose all along we were told that eating meat was nothing but meat- it didn't have an animal attached to it. She mentions the turkey stuffing but not the turkey itself...again, avoiding the animal reference. Kids don't question Thanksgiving because adults don't question Thanksgiving.

    "Like chickens, the 300 million turkeys raised and killed for their flesh every year in the United States have no federal legal protection.More than 45 million turkeys are killed each year at Thanksgiving alone, and more than 22 million die at Christmas."

    Adopt a Turkey Project:

    I do love the magic references to cooking. But.....turning animals into pulp isn't very magical like turning gingerbread into a man. A lot of other cooking references involve creation....instead of destruction. Flour into muffins, etc.

  2. Great point! I missed that on my first reading.

    Meat to broth is Thanksgiving Magic. You're reading like me! Haha.

    It is a fun poem otherwise. The rhyme and pace is fun to read.
