
12 Nov: "To Meditate" by Thich Nhat Hahn

To Meditate 

To meditate does not mean to fight with a problem.
To meditate means to observe.
Your smile proves it.
It proves that you are being gentle with yourself,
that the sun of awareness is shining in you,
that you have control of your situation.
You are yourself,
and you have acquired some peace.
- Thich Nhat Hahn


  1. Meditation is to connect with silence- to observe life as it is. To disconnect from our social surrounding and feel nature, feel the breath, feel life with no boundaries. "being gentle with [our]self"....

    "You are yourself." you are not judgement, you just are what you are. An expression of energy?

  2. Identity is so intriguing. Could you ever not be yourself. Is being something or someone else, not part of you?

    Smiling, observing, acquiring peace, all helping the sun of awareness shine in us. The sun is a grandiose symbol. Almost all life gets its energy from the sun. Where the sun of awareness is the source of peace
