
25 Nov: "Loyal" by William Matthews

They gave him an overdose
of anesthetic, and its fog
shut down his heart in seconds.
I tried to hold him, but he was 
somewhere else. For so much of love
one of the principals is missing,
it's no wonder we confuse love
with longing. Oh I was thick 
with both. I wanted my dog
to live forever and while I was
working on impossibilities
I wanted to live forever, too.
I wanted company and to be alone.
I wanted to know how they trash
a stiff ninety-five-pound dog
and I paid them to do it
and not tell me. What else?
I wanted a letter of apology
delivered by decrepit hand,
by someone shattered for each time
I'd had to eat pure pain. I wanted
to weep, not "like a baby,"
in gulps and breath-stretching
howls, but steadily, like an adult,
according to the fiction
that there is work to be done,
and almost inconsolably.


  1. Confusing love and longing, it is so true.
    Do we love someone,
    Or do we love how they make us feel.
    The people I love make me feel alive.
    I'm high on love, highest on Renaissance death.
    Everything we do together is the best.
    We want it to last forever, but it can't.
    Things change, life moves on,
    Inconsolably we do and don't cry long

  2. Poem 1:
    Love and longing are universal emotions. Why does it make us feel better to know that somebody else can love their animal as much as we do ours? Maybe it just reminds us of the natural process of life. Birth, love, longing, death...we all breathe the same air.

    Poem 2:
    "Do we love someone, Or do we love how they make us feel." I love the punctuation here...A statement instead of a question. The author feels this Truth and wants to relate but doesn't feel the need to make it a question. Its the authors answer.
    "The people I love make me feel alive." Or do the people that love US make us feel alive? Is there a symbiosis here or is this just a one sided analogy?
    "high on Renaissance death" ...the Black plague? love being fatal?
    I love the wish wash of emotion here...its on its off...there is love and then there is question...forever and then now.
    The last line is just perfect. So perfect

  3. What did death mean in Caelica 2?
